Welcome to your ultimate guide to the best deals and offers from Bluemercury, the renowned beauty and grooming retailer. This blog post will walk you through the most enticing promotions available, ensuring you get the most out of your Bluemercury shopping experience.

1. Celebrate Lipstick Day with Bluemercury
In honor of Lipstick Day, Bluemercury is offering a 20% discount on any lipstick, lip gloss, or lip pencil purchase. Use the code LIPSTICKDAY at checkout to avail of this offer. This promotion runs from July 28, 2023, to July 31, 2023. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to add some new shades to your makeup collection. Click here to shop now.
2. Free M-61 Hydraboost Serum 2.0
Bluemercury is giving away a free M-61 Hydraboost Serum 2.0 with every purchase of the PowerGlow Peel 60 count. This offer ends on August 1, 2023. Enhance your skincare routine with this powerful duo designed to rejuvenate your skin. Click here to shop now.
3. SPF Stock-Up Sale
Get ready for the summer with Bluemercury’s SPF Stock-Up Sale. Receive up to 30% off SPF products with the code SUNSHINE. This offer includes popular brands like Supergoop!, La Roche-Posay, M-61, and more. Both in-store and online purchases are eligible for this discount. Protect your skin from harmful UV rays without breaking the bank. Click here to shop now.
4. The Vacation Edit 2023 Deluxe Edition
The Vacation Edit 2023 Deluxe Edition is here! This stylish tote is packed with $819 worth of products from brands like EltaMD, Kjaer Weis, Pat McGrath Labs, RéVive, Tan-Luxe, and many more, all for just $199! Don’t miss out on this incredible value. Click here to shop now.
5. The Vacation Edit
The Vacation Edit is here! Get $500 worth of warm-weather beauty essentials for just $99! This offer is available while supplies last. Stock up on your summer essentials now. Click here to shop now.
6. Free Shipping for BlueRewards Members
Bluemercury offers free shipping for all BlueRewards members. If you’re not a member yet, now is the perfect time to join and enjoy this and many other benefits. Click here to shop now.
7. Welcome Offer for New Customers
New to Bluemercury? Take advantage of their welcome offer. New customers can take 10% off their first order with the code WELCOME10. Terms and conditions may apply. Start your Bluemercury journey with a discount. Click here to shop now.

Bluemercury is committed to providing the best beauty and grooming products at the best prices. With these offers, you can enjoy high-quality products without stretching your budget. Stay tuned for more updates on Bluemercury deals and promotions. Happy shopping!